Monday, August 10, 2009

lowrie boys

that's right, i said 'boys'. plural. i am so excited!!! i always thought i wanted all boys for more than one reason (logical or not, i could justify all of them). but i know my God and sometimes he likes to throw me a curveball and remind me that no matter how much planning i do (which is A LOT; i am very big on 'plans'), He knows what's best for me. i'm okay with that, really i am. so the rare times i see that my thoughts on what i can handle and His thoughts on what i can handle match up - it's just, well, delicious!

i am not the most girly of girls and the thought of dealing with pastel pink, bows, long hair and what to do with it, barbies, pms, shaving (okay puberty in it's entirety)-scares me to no end. it's akin to public speaking on my list of scary things i'd rather not ever do, but will have to and have had to do in my lifetime.

i guess i first got the idea that #2 was a girl when i was reminded of a prophetic word we got in ukraine back before we ever even started trying for little ones: we would have two children; the first would be a teacher and the second an evangelist. not to label my children, or force them into a box, but this word has stuck with me and i am reminded of it each and every time i pray over their sweet little destinies.

in my mind, an evangelist is a man and i was positive God was going to throw my logic on that out the door and gift me with a spitfire little girl bent on evangelizing the hell out of this world (literally).

in light of this i decided that i needed to familiarize myself with all things girly and see if there was anything out there besides pink and bows. to my pleasant surprise, etsy turned out to be the mecca of all things indie and NOT girly. i "hearted" at least 15 sellers and purposefully left my wallet out in the car so that i wouldn't buy anything until we had confirmation on what i already thought i knew for sure. (okay moreso out of fear that zach would very much disapprove and possibly even make me send my purchases back, but still, i DID hold off). encouraged by my discovery, i had the whole 'look' my baby girl would sport, and honestly, i was a tad bit excited. i even bought stuff to make my own baby shoes (which will now be made and given to all my friends who are pregnant with little girls. yay!) there is way cuter stuff for girls than for boys out there. but on the same token, i spent a lot of time and effort choosing clothes for dutch, and i am so happy i get another chance to use them.

dutch, my first, is SUCH an amazing little person already and i can't wait to meet his little brother (name tbd). i like the sound of saying 'my boys' - though i fear there will be times when i can't stand to hear myself say one more time 'boys! stop it!' it's inevitable, right?

all in all, my heart is happy and my boys will be the light of my life.

speaking of, here are a few pictures of my sweet boy.

a rare moment of being still, watching "Me. Mo. Bish! DD!" (Finding Nemo, the fish DVD) in his fav pj's.

horrible resolution, but sometimes the camera phone is all you have. i AM saving up for a Nikon D80. the cybershot isn't cutting it; especially for an ex-photographer.


Keith Jacobs said...

Great post. I wanted two girls for the same reason, in reverse. That is, I've always been a geek and my friends are too and I wouldn't know what to do if I ended up with a star quarterback (which seemed highly unlikely anyway).

Joanne loves Etsy. It helps that Emma decided to stop wearing shorts and will only wear dresses now. Maybe the next one will be a tomboy...? :-)

Jessica said...

Congratulations! So exciting! I never thought I was a girly girl (and still really don't) so I had no idea what I was gonna do with a girl....but now I want another! Something about seeing your husband with a lil girl is just so sweet! And it is super easy to find girly things. Now I don't know what I'm gonna do with a boy (if we have one).

So happy for y'all!

Girish said...

Fantastic news! Congratulations Liz.

racheljenae said...

whoohooo! i can't wait to meet the second little lowrie boy! Yes... its quite easy to see you with little boys...and to see Zach wrestling around with his boys! So excited for you guys!

Marian Briscoe said...

such a happy blog :-)